How to earn money online for students Earn 500 to 800 daily

How to earn money online for students:

Am here once again for you with information about how to earn money sitting at home. In this article, we are going to tell you how you can earn money sitting at home you can earn 500 to 800 daily. You can earn money from the Chingari App

Chingari App You must have heard the name, if you don’t know about it then it still doesn’t matter. What is the Chingari App? You will get information about this in this article. If you are thinking of earning money from your mobile while sitting at home, then this article will help you a lot. But in this, you will need an investment of Rs 20

How to earn money online for students :

If you want to earn money from the Chingari application, then for this you will first have to create an account on the Chingari application. if you want to create an account you can add your phone number and you will get OTP it’s just a simple process.

How to earn money online for students :

After this, you can go to the settings and customize your profile and change important things like name, date of birth, email ID, etc. Along with this, you should make changes in your User ID because after creating an account on the Chingari App, there is no option to create an account name from your name. After that your Chingari App will become successful and ready.

What are the ways to earn money from the Chingari App? :

Chingari Wallet Active – In the Chingari app, you have to activate Gari Wallet so that you get money. While activating it, create a PIN so that you can later withdraw the winning money into your bank account.

Chinagri Video – Coin is available as per.

Refer to Earn Money Chingari App:

 Like every application, you get money for referring to the Chingari application too. You share your invite code with someone else.

Chingari Video Watch :

If you watch any video on the Chingari application, after creating your Gari account, you get points which you can convert into money and withdraw in your bank. Can do.  

In this way you can earn money through the Chingari application, however, there are other ways to earn money on the Chingari application, for this, you need to have your Gari Wallet Acctive  Will have to do. Only after this, you can earn money. 

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