Best Affiliate Marketing 2023

Here let us discuss the affiliate marketing concept where you can make a good amount of money without any huge investment. let’s discuss step by step

  • You promote your product on a blog, website, or social media. Let’s say, Store A
  • Now someone clicks your affiliate link
  • And purchases Store A
  • This transaction is then recorded by the company or the affiliate network
  • Store A purchases the product.
  • And you receive a commission

4 Key Points in Affiliate Marketing

  • Seller
  • Affiliate
  • Network
  • Consumer ( customer )
flow chart

1. Sellers

The creators of the products or services are known as sellers or merchants. They are responsible for paying affiliate commissions on purchases.

2. Affiliates

Affiliates can also use sponsored ads to drive traffic. Although there are usually restrictions on the keywords affiliates are allowed to use for the products they’re promoting. You should avoid using the products’ trade names or brands.

3. Affiliate Network

The network oversees third-party audits and regulates transactions between affiliates and sellers. Top affiliate marketing networks include EarnKaro, Cuelinks, and ShareASale.

4. Consumers

The individuals who do the transactions are the consumers or customers. They are the ones who make the product purchases or fill out the lead forms so that the affiliate can get paid the commission.

See also  How to make money from an Instagram page


First selected the product were you will that people like to use, for example, kitchen items are sold more than any gadget which is useful and less price .this is one method second method we already have a few websites that already have products we just need to do marketing of it I mean affiliate link. Once you get the product you need to do marketing first you can share the link in all wassup groups.

the second method is a share in different groups on Facebook and you can also run ads on Facebook and Instagram. Earnkaro is one application where you can create affiliate links and make a profit .

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